Why Less Lethal

In a world where maintaining public safety is of paramount importance, it is crucial to explore alternative means that prioritize the preservation of life, while still ensuring effective law enforcement operations. Let’s explore why less lethal options are indispensable in modern policing.
First and foremost, the primary objective and mission of any law enforcement agency should be the protection and well-being of the community it serves. That also means providing those that are on the front lines the tools that are mission critical allowing them to achieve the objective. Law Enforcement has lethal force options available and lethal force may sometimes be unavoidable, but it should never be the default option. By implementing less lethal options, we can strive for a more balanced approach to meeting the objective, prioritizing de-escalation and minimizing the risk of severe injury or loss of life.
Secondly, embracing less lethal options fosters trust and enhances police-community relations. Over the years, instances where lethal force was misused or been deemed excessive have eroded public trust in law enforcement. By incorporating less lethal tools and tactics, we send a clear message that our officers value human life and are committed to resolving conflicts without unnecessary harm. This leads to stronger bonds between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve, encouraging cooperation that is vital for effective crime prevention and investigation. This reminds me of Sir Robert Peel’s 9 principles of Policing penned in 1829. One of those principles’ states “The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon on public approval of police actions.” Here we are 194 years later talking about this very thing. Our actions as police officers today are judged by our peers in the community we serve, just as they were in 1829.
Third, less lethal options provide law enforcement officers with a broader range of tools to respond to a variety of situations. The ability to use less lethal force empowers officers to effectively subdue suspects who may be experiencing a mental health crisis, suffering from substance abuse, or exhibiting erratic behavior. By employing less lethal methods such as Byrna .68 caliber launcher platforms, Byrna 12 gauge less lethal shotgun rounds or Byrna pepper spray, officers can mitigate threats while minimizing the potential for severe injury or death, both to themselves and to those they encounter.
Additionally, the use of less lethal options aligns with the United Nations recommendations for Law Enforcement related use of force. When facing a non-life-threatening situation, it is inappropriate to resort to lethal force. Less lethal tools enable officers to tailor their response based on the level of threat, using the least amount of force necessary to restore order and ensure safety. This approach strikes a balance between the preservation of life and the need to enforce the law, maintaining the integrity of our justice system.
Finally, investing in less lethal options contributes to the ongoing professional development of law enforcement agencies. By prioritizing training and equipping officers with a diverse range of tools, we provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions in high-stress situations. Byrna’s Global Law Enforcement training program has been peer reviewed and is approved for all levels of Law Enforcement, this training program has been delivered to thousands of officers in the US and globally. This investment in training and technology ensures that our officers are well-prepared to handle challenging encounters effectively.
In conclusion, the integration of less lethal options in law enforcement is an imperative step forward in promoting public safety, trust, and effective policing. We at Byrna envision a future where the availability of less lethal options is the norm, for every department.
In conclusion, the integration of less lethal options in law enforcement is an imperative step forward in promoting public safety, trust, and effective policing. We at Byrna envision a future where the availability of less lethal options is the norm, for every department.
Wayne Moody
Executive Director of Global Law Enforcement Operations.
Byrna Technologies.